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Lifeguide Michelle Kanti
Spiritual teacher, Intuitive guide, Yoga Teacher, Energy wellness and happiness expert.


Welcome to my site.  

I am Michelle Kanti, a Lifeguide and spiritual teacher, who is excited to help you in your journey to happiness and well-being.  I have been fortunate to work as a Lifeguide for over 20 years, and have become an expert in providing Spiritual and Intuitive guidance.  I am also an accomplished Yoga teacher, and specialize in energy and emotional healing that leads to the experience of peace, happiness and clarity.


My Path

After completing my degree in Psychological Services, I became frustrated with the limited choices available within the traditional path of Psychology. This led me to explore an alternative path of spiritual teachings. Hence I began my journey as a Spiritual teacher. During a period of over 20 years, I was fortunate to work with different people from many walks of life, and by trusting my own intuition and listening to their needs; I was able to gain deep insight and knowledge about the human condition.  Over the years, as I helped my clients restore their inner self, they in turn taught me about what works and this alternative path to healing unfolded. 


Transformation tools

A common request from my clients was to be able to access tools that would help them in their transformation process.  This gave birth to a set of tools designed to assist people in healing themselves.  These tools are called the Lifeguides Transformation Program, which provides the spiritual technology capable of creating profound and permanent changes in one’s life.  These tools are available for download from this site and described in more detail on the tools page.


If you have been helped by my sessions please right write a review.

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Listen to me talk all about my work.




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I am happy to announce that my new book is now available. 

The intention of creating this book is to provide people with a guide that will show them how to transform their lives and awaken the truth of who they really are; a powerful spiritual being and creator of the life you choose to live.  

The Spiritual technology in this book provides the information, skills and practices that will enable people to create profound and lasting changes.  It will show you how to free yourself from the habits of fear and negative thinking, and will help you to become more fully connected to your spiritual nature and put you firmly in the driver’s seat of your own life. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are continuously putting orders in with the universe for our tomorrow’s reality.  The feelings and thought states that we occupy today are creating the vibrations that will determine tomorrow’s reality.  The best investment anyone can make is to choose to focus on the positive emotions today, which in turn will create your best possible tomorrow.  This guide will show you how to identify and choose which thoughts and emotions you want to generate, so you can create a more positive experience in your life moving forward.   

This guide will teach you how to be skilled in creating the best vibrations today that will make your future reflect the things you want in your life, such as health, wealth and happiness.



 AUDIO BOOK ( with 3 bonus meditations,

Guiding Principles, Presence practice, Step 2)


Take the Happiness Quiz here


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