Charlie The Chief The Chief walks the red-grounded path of safety When balanced, the chief is grounded, stable and solid connected to the earth, his history, and his ancestors, in a way that provides a strong sense of stability, security, and safety for himself and all those around him. He is reliable and predictable in his interest in family, structure, and support. He is strong in his foundation, which emanates calmness, courage, and compassion. He likes simplicity and nature, which strengthens him and positive support, group connections, family, and a sense of continuity feed him. When imbalanced, he can feel irritated, unstable, insecure, and unpredictable. Stress causes him to feel unsafe, which releases adrenaline throughout his system, causing him to reside in fight/flight mode, weakening him on every level. His emotional vulnerability is anger, and the mental weakness is an inner dialogue that ruminates around the wounded belief that he is not safe. These thoughts and feelings can lead him into some challenging behaviors like road rage, criticism, complaining, and negativity. Tending to focus on what is wrong and not working within him and others that perpetuate the creation of challenge and difficulty in his life, fueling the whole cycle of anger. As you balance your thoughts and emotions, you support the habit of happiness that creates new positive behaviors of enthusiasm, kindness, active listening, forgiveness, tolerance, and the expectation that others are capable and trustworthy. This expectation allows you to hold the vision for positive possibility and gives you and others the space to rise to your highest possible behavior choices. This shift brings more peace, equanimity, and harmony into your life. As you expand into feeling safe, secure, and supported, you behave in ways that reflect these feelings, allowing yourself to be more vulnerable, alive, and present. Being grounded and stable about whom you are and where you belong translates into acting in ways that make you dependable and trustworthy, becoming a known entity both to yourself and others. By walking the grounded path of safety, the Chief gathers strength by being in nature, being connected to the negative ions that rise through the earth and grounds him. Gardening or walking barefoot and putting his hands in the ground invite balance and strength for him and bring him back to himself. He learns to fortify his emotional vulnerability of anger by strengthening his liver meridian. Pushing more chi through his system allows him to digest his anger by meeting it with awareness breath and compassion. Transmuting his angry adrenalized state into his harmonized happiness state of compassion and courage which liberates him into understanding the truth that he is safe and supported to be in his body and his life with full presence and open-hearted compassion. Applying the three steps to master his mind supports his sense of well-being and safety. Recognizing that his mental fitness is supported by his choice to practice and nourish his mind with positive, optimistic thinking eradicating his illusions and predictable default negative inner dialogue. This practice along with applying the three steps to master his emotions, provides the tools and practices that he needs to liberate from his old limited conditioning and his habitual patterns so that he can be connected to his essence, his natural state, and his happiness. This process releases his trapped energy and ignites his inspiration through the experience of being safe and stable and secure. Here we are invited to connect with nature and our tribe. For us to be balanced here, we are encouraged to live in harmony with nature inspiring a feeling of being connected to the earth, our family, our community, and our societal considerations. You benefit and increase your happiness quotient by being part of a community of people, a community of life, in a way that matters to both you and them. Meaningful relationships can be found everywhere, not just in the romantic arena, and by actively contributing to your community, you will find deeper your inspiration and deeper meaning and greater satisfaction. When stressed and challenged, be vigilant of being more reactive and feeling agitated, irritated, or angry. Pay extra attention to your inner dialogue, being extra sensitive to internal dialogue that may speak loudly or softly and seduce you into the idea that you are not safe, supported, or secure. This internal conversation originated in a traumatic experience early in your history that you perceive yourself as being unsafe, expanding into the illusion that you are not safe. At those times, you are being presented with an opportunity for transformation, and it is important to take advantage of that opportunity by being present and awake to your emotions and your consciousness so that you can exercise your power of choice and practice your tools. You are consistently choosing to navigate your thinking and your emotions back to their true harmonized inspired and happy state. We all like to feel safe and supported; it carries a high value for you, perhaps the highest. When stressed, you tend to become ungrounded and can easily feel lost like you don’t fit in and like you need a high degree of stability, consistency, and security to feel at peace, relaxed and at home. The home and everything that it stands for is important, and you may be willing to sacrifice lots of fun adventures in deference to having a strong anchor that allows you to feel safe. Your gifts reside in establishing an internal sense of stability so that you no longer seek it externally. You are walking the red path of aligning with safety. This transformative journey clears all wounds related to your sense of safety, security, stability, and belonging, liberating you from the wounds of the past. Supporting you in feeling grounded, safe, and connected. This path is physically related to symptoms of low back pain, immune disorders, sciatic problems, and depression. By working with the tools available in the first chakra toolkit you have everything that you need to create a new inner reality that is firmly rooted in an inner and outer reflection of the truth of your safety. This experience can provide a source of inspiration for you that motivates you to create the life of your dreams. 2 Aden The Adventurer The Adventurer walks the orange pleasure path When balanced and harmonized the Adventurer is playful, free, wise, connected, and creative. Interested in deep, meaningful relating with the self and others, the Adventurer travels his path seeking and finding pleasure, purpose, and meaning. He sees connection everywhere and lives in an abundant reality without limitations. You are highly creative and can easily find joy through your creativity and your connections. The more willing you are to risk emotionally and show your vulnerable underbelly, the greater your rewards through deep intimacy and lasting connections will be. When imbalanced, it is easy for you to feel isolated, alone, outcast, or disconnected. This isolation can exist on many levels even in relation with the self from your creative flow, leaving you feeling overwhelmed challenged and afraid. Fear rules the imbalanced Adventurer, causing you to feel paralyzed, isolated, or trapped, disconnecting you from flowing with abundance and catapulting you into an experience of scarcity, lack, and deprivation. You become susceptible to addictions when out of balance, so it is important to be present and connected to painful emotions of isolation and perceived aloneness so that you are not seduced to escape the emotional pain through distractions, ranging from substances to television, all forms of avoiding the overwhelming pain of disconnection. You may substitute life-threatening risk-taking activities, such as extreme sports or gambling of any nature, rather than risking losing the self to emotional vulnerability. Fear is the demon of the adventurer, although sometimes you would never know, as you can appear to be highly courageous, willing to risk life and limb for a temporary adrenalized thrill, this is the mask that obscures the terror of risking the exposure of the authentic self in case it is rejected. These thoughts and feelings can lead you into some challenging behaviors like disconnection with the ones that you love when you are hurt or stressed or challenged. You may find yourself constructing walls of self-protection that can feel insurmountable for yourself and the people you love. The fear of intimacy or emotional pain may cause you to make poor choices about your partner, such as distancing, rejecting, and ultimately, abandoning them. These destructive behavior choices trap you in a weak vibration pattern of reach and withdraw, doing a two-step in intimacy that is painful and limited, leaving the most precious and vulnerable parts of yourself lonely, unknown, and untouched. You may indulge in a whole variety of additions to hide out and avoid the possible pain that sweetness, surrender, and vulnerability brings because the fear of getting hurt is too intense. As you balance your thoughts and emotions, you support the habit of happiness that creates new positive behaviors of optimism, balance, courage, and curiosity towards intimacy. You may experience greater abundance in your life as you bring balance into this chakra. This balance allows your creativity to flow, providing a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Holding the vision of the positive possibility of connection and goodness happening gives you and others the space to rise to your highest possible behavior choices. This choice brings more balance, peace, equanimity, and harmony into your life. As you expand into more connected, creative, and wise choices, you behave in ways that reflect these feelings; this allows you to be more vulnerable, alive, and present. Being connected to your higher power and the highest power of the universe ignites your wisdom, which feeds and benefits your choices and behaviors. For us to feel fully happy and satisfied, we benefit from having deep, strong, and meaningful relationships. Once we mature and know ourselves well enough to understand our values, we can then connect with others with a shared value system, which is a necessary ingredient for a happy life. This chakra is also the center for our creativity, another essential ingredient for a balanced and happy life. A happy, creative life includes both expression and input. Happiness and joy are activated in the second chakra, which produces a sense of well-being and happiness that uplifts everything that we do. Happiness and pleasure are not the same things. A continuous stream of pleasure experiences does not necessarily result in increased happiness, which is an internal state of consciousness that arises out of a profound sense of meaning and satisfaction. In fact, small things consistently done, create the major impact. When it comes to deep happiness, connection is highly important to you, and in fact, it may carry the highest value for you. It may also be the place where you are most challenged. You are probably highly creative and may find joy, peace, and happiness in expressing your creative abilities. Money could be an area that challenges you, and when stressed, you may tend to feel completely alone in the world. Your gifts reside in fully participating in openhearted, vulnerable intimacy. You can reclaim lost inspiration inside the experience of intimacy and connection. Your path is about clearing the wounds surrounding abandonment fears, betrayals, addictions, and experiences of scarcity. You benefit by rebalancing sexual and creative energy, supporting you in connecting with abundance and creative expression, this rebalances all desires, appetites, and addictive patterns. This area is physically related to arthritis, potency, and desire problems, fibroids, and menopause issues. The Adventurer learns to fortify his emotional vulnerability of fear by strengthening his kidney meridian. Pushing more chi through his system allows him to digest his fear by meeting it with awareness, breath, and compassion. Using positive memory or imagination to connect to times when intimacy, closeness, and connection were stable and supported, and present strengthens you. He works with positive affirmations to nourish the inner dialogue of the lower mind with positive food leading to positive possibility. He transmutes his fearful adrenalized state into his harmonized happiness state of wisdom and clarity, liberating him into understanding the truth that he is always connected to his own higher power and the highest power in the universe. Applying the three steps to master his mind supports his sense of well-being and connection. He recognizes that his mental fitness is backed up by his choice to practice and nourish his mind with positive, optimistic thinking eradicating his illusions and default negative inner dialogue. This practice along with applying the three steps to master his emotions, provide the tools and practices that he needs to liberate from his old limited conditioning and his habitual patterns so that he can be connected to his essence, his natural state, and his happiness. He benefits from being vigilant when stressed and challenged not to be reactive and feel isolated, alone, and disconnected. Pay extra attention to your inner dialogue, being extra sensitive to internal dialogue that may speak loudly or softly and seduce you into the idea that you are alone, outcast, or somehow unwanted. This inner conversation originated in a traumatic experience early in your history where you perceive yourself as being alone, and perhaps feeling emotionally overwhelmed and afraid inside this experience, expanding into the illusion that you are all alone at those times. You can recognize that you are being presented with an opportunity for transformation, and it is important to take advantage of that opportunity by being present and awake to your emotions and your consciousness so that you can exercise your power of choice and practice your tools. Consistently choose to navigate your thinking and your emotions back to their true harmonized happy state. Working with the tools and practices for rebalancing the second chakra will support you in transforming these vulnerabilities into your strengths. 3 Nancy The Nurturer The Nurturer walks the yellow path of deep self-love When balanced, the nurturer is giving and kind and generous towards the self and others. The nurturer knows how to extend kindness and compassion to support all those she touches. The nurtures is empowered when in the right relationship with her personal power. Knowing how to assert for her needs to be met, never forcing or pushing too hard, nor being weak on her boundaries, appearing wishy-washy She is in the right relationship with her confidence striking the perfect balance so that her self-assurance is a great asset magnetizing everything and everyone that supports her manifestations. She knows about self-love and practices excellent self-care. There is a deep sense of inner peace, calmness, and inner equanimity. The Nurturer contains a bright inner light that shines out and touches everyone with its positive glow of caring, kindness and deep compassion. There is a knowing of her true value and a deep sense of worthiness that shines through. At your best, you are confident, kind, caring, and powerful. You could be considered to be an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. You have a deep connection to your value that communicates this truth to others, and you can easily command respect and easily be the most powerful force in any room. When stressed or challenged, it is hard for you to remember the truth of your own value. You are vulnerable to limiting yourself, as you question your capacity, ability, and worthiness and all the goodness that you are very capable of creating. Your gifts reside in knowing your value to the degree that you feel worthy of having all the goodness you are capable of creating for yourself. You may struggle with power issues in relationships and find yourself inside power struggles. An imbalanced third chakra can lead you into overexertion of power and seduce you into being vindictive, mean, cold, calculated, and manipulative, which of course, leads to nothing but problems, sleepless nights and an even deeper commitment to your self-loathing, as you give yourself more cause to hate yourself. It is important not to give yourself any more reasons to dislike yourself, as this is the vulnerability of this chakra. This vulnerability makes you want to strike back harder when someone hurts you. Freedom and healing reside in resisting that temptation that would lead you into finally healing this painful wound. Or conversely, it can result in feeling like a victim and powerless which also can stimulate the same desire for revenge or manipulation. This desire reflects an imbalance in relation to power and a loss of inspiration inside this imbalance and liberation to reclaim inspiration as you rebalance this chakra. I know that it is tough to convince an ego that wants revenge that turning the other cheek is your salvation but practicing this tough lesson actually liberates your spirit to finally forgiving those who have hurt you. This choice supports the growth of your spirit into the joy of knowing your intrinsic value and worth without any exertion of effort on your part to seek revenge, control, gain the upper hand, have authority, or a pseudo puffed up sense of your power. These thoughts and feelings can lead you into challenging behaviors like finding yourself wrong and beating yourself up leading you to sabotage your own happiness and trap your inspiration leaving you depleted, repressed and unmotivated, deciding that you are unworthy and unloved. Others may perceive that you waste time feeling sorry for yourself, losing yourself inside a self-indulgent pity party. You may find yourself both voluntarily and involuntarily involved in power struggles all around your life, in your work relationships, and in your love relationships. You may be very sensitive to others’ negative judgments of you, while at the same time, indulging in your own judgments of them and yourself. Your skin may be thin about feeling wrong and be intolerant of the slightest hint or suggestion that you have done something incorrectly. Your anxiety may cause you to worry and ruminate unnecessarily about everything, spending lots of time and energy involved in being concerned about things, that most likely, will never happen. Phobias of all kinds could surface if you get too far out of balance. Expanding into your natural state of confidence and magnetism causes you to become the life and soul of any party. You will be easily able to exert your positive influence positively, knowing your own worth supports you in acting with dignity and strength, power and balance, allowing you to be completely yourself. At your best, you can create a win/win in all situations so that everyone feels loved and cared for. This skill brings more balance, peace, equanimity, and harmony into your life. As you expand into allowing yourself to be more confident, alive and present, you find your positive power and exert that positive, balanced influence that brings abundant, nurturing energy, love, and happiness to everyone around you. Being connected to your own self-love and balanced personal power allows you to invite others to find that place within them. The art of self-love is of utmost importance to self-esteem, and developing a healthy sense of your own intrinsic value is extremely important to your happiness. The third chakra is the center where you can develop a healthy sense of your own value, both about yourself and others. This chakra is the center where we are invited to discern the difference between healthy and unhealthy ego function. Being in alignment with our truth and our intrinsic values is necessary for us to create balance in this chakra. Connecting with and operating from your own guiding principles liberates you to your highest happiest self. Walking our talk supports us in finding our power, which is another fundamental element to arriving at health here in the third chakra center. The vulnerability of this chakra is to believe in your own powerlessness, the opportunity, and the strength resides in understanding that you are all powerful in the creation of your life and your happiness. In relationship to happiness, it is important to know that you can create your life your way and that your choices contribute to your experience of happiness. The Nurturer learns to fortify her emotional vulnerability of anxiety by strengthening her stomach meridian. Pushing more chi though her system allows her to digests her anxiety by meeting it with awareness breath and compassion. She uses positive memory or imagination, connecting to times when feelings of positive confidence and positive pride where present inside, with experiences of feeling good about herself when she knew she was worthy of goodness. Working with positive affirmations to nourish the inner dialogue of the lower mind with positive food leading to positive possibility, transmutes her anxious, adrenalized state into her harmonized happiness state of peace and equanimity. Liberating her into understanding the truth that she is always perfectly loved and loveable just as she is and knowing she is deserving and worthy of love both from herself and others. This love helps her to remember that she is powerful and confident and capable of creating a great life for herself. She applies the three steps to master her mind supports her sense of well-being and connection. She can recognize that her mental fitness is backed up by her choice to practice and nourish her mind with positive, optimistic thinking which eradicates her illusions and default negative inner dialogue. Along with applying the three steps to master her emotions, this choice provides the tools and practices she needs to liberate from her old limited conditioning and her habitual patterns so that she can be connected to her essence, her natural state, and her happiness. Be vigilant when stressed and challenged to be more reactive to feeling unworthy and anxious. Pay extra attention to your inner dialogue, being extra sensitive to internal dialogue that may speak loudly or softly and seduce you into the idea that you are unworthy, less than, and somehow undeserving. This inner conversation originated in a traumatic experience early in your history where you perceived yourself as unworthy and perhaps feeling emotionally overwhelmed, and you maybe are afraid of repeating this experience expanding into the illusion that you actually are undeserving of love. At those times you are presented with an opportunity for transformation, it is important to take advantage of that opportunity by being present and awake to your emotions and your consciousness so that you can exercise your power of choice and practice your tools. Consistently choose to navigate your thinking and your emotions back to their true harmonized happy state. You are invited to remove all wounds related to your sense of self-esteem and personal power, enabling you to be fully empowered so that you can realize your full potential. This empowerment supports you in cultivating a strong sense of confidence. This path is physically related to stomach disorders, ulcers, liver dysfunction bulimia, and hepatitis. Working with the tools and practices for rebalancing the third chakra will support you in transforming these vulnerabilities into your strengths. Any inspiration that may have been trapped, suppressed or lost inside the experience of feeling unworthy or losing personal power is available to be reclaimed here by revisiting that experience and bringing awareness, breath, and compassion to it. 4 Lilly The Lover The Lover walks the green path of unconditional love When balanced, you are the most loving, joyful, giving heart-centered person around. Your love is palpable and a vibration that attracts everyone around you to their own loving hearts. You are capable of great joy, generosity, and kindness. You have a willingness to be vulnerable, as you have an innate understanding of the gifts of that choice. You understand about intimacy and naturally practice the three spiritual laws of intimacy. You can be connected to your emotions in a way that allows you to be truthful about what you are feeling in each moment. You can remove the walls of self-protection that you built around the heart that prevent you from experiencing the pain of rejection and at the same time, prevent you from fully giving and receiving love, which is, in fact, the opportunity of the fourth chakra. You are also able to confess all your fears and worries and doubts that may be plaguing you and those you are closest to. Your greatest strength is the gift of unconditional love yet when stressed; you may find that you have a lot of grief, sadness, or jealousy. You are invited to free yourself of all automatic self-protective mechanisms of avoiding love, vulnerability, and openhearted connection so that you can fully open your heart and share the abundant wellspring of joy, happiness, and care that you have at your fingertips. Your gifts reside beneath the armoring of self-protective walls around the heart, and in choosing to dismantle those walls, you will expand into a wellspring of unconditional love. The Lover learns to fortify her emotional vulnerability of heartbreak and grief by strengthening her heart meridian. Pushing more chi though her system allows her to digests her grief and sadness by meeting it with awareness breath and compassion. The Lover uses positive memory or imagination when connecting to times when feelings of love, compassion and kindness, and open-heartedness were present. If there truly is no memory to recall from then, simply imagine what it would be like to have love in your life. Working with positive affirmations to nourish the inner-dialogue of the lower mind with positive food leading to positive possibility transmutes her grief, sadness, and heartbreak into her harmonized happiness state of unconditional love. Liberating her into understanding the truth that she is completely free to open her heart fully so that she can fully give and receive love. Then she is free to be generous and loving even when those around are not free or able to love. She recognizes that her mental fitness is supported by applying the three steps to master her mind and by her choice to practice and nourish her mind with positive, optimistic thinking, eradicating her illusions and default negative inner dialogue. This practice along with applying the three steps to master her emotions provides the tools and practices that she needs to liberate herself from her old limited conditioning and her habitual patterns. So that she can be connected to her essence, her natural state of fully giving and receiving love and live in open-hearted connection to her happiness. When stressed and challenged these thoughts and feelings can lead you into challenging behaviors like being cold-hearted, distant, uncaring, and even jealous and vindictive. When you are hurt or stressed or challenged, you need to watch out for these demons when your Lover goes out of balance with the ones that you love. You may find yourself constructing walls of self-protection that can feel insurmountable for yourself and the ones you love. The fear of intimacy or emotional pain may cause you to make poor choices about your partner, such as rejecting them and finding fault. If you don’t have a partner, you may remain single and always find a fatal flaw with each new relationship possibility you are presented with, navigating you back to the heartbreak in your history that you are attempting to heal. These destructive behavior choices trap you in a low vibrational pattern of reach and withdrawal, doing a two-step in intimacy that is painful and limited, leaving the most precious and vulnerable parts of yourself lonely, unknown, and untouched. Similar to the trauma of the Adventurer, the Lover wants deep love and intimacy more than anyone, yet holds every possibility at arm’s length in deference to the sense of pseudo-safety that arises from self - protected aloneness. Openhearted kindness and connection is the way forward for the Lover, yet as simple as it sounds when wounded and stressed by trying circumstances, opening the heart may feel impossible. When you do choose to open your heart and extend love with kindness and compassion, you discover a never-ending supply of love available for you to give and receive. This opening contributes to an endless supply of energy, vitality, and health that is available to you, allowing you to be accepting of what is. As you balance your thoughts and emotions, you support the habit of happiness that creates new positive behaviors of optimism, balance, courage, and openness towards love and intimacy. Any lost or trapped inspiration can be reclaimed inside the choice to fully open your heart so that you can fully give and receive love. Cleaning out your heart center allows you to start fresh. If you want to be happy, reboot, take inventory, and clean the slate and create your updated version of your guiding principles. Carrying baggage and repeating your wounded inner dialogue and old stories, again and again, is self-destructive. Punishing others for your bad days and unhappy childhood is cruel – although many find it useful as a control mechanism. If you want a happy life with someone, or just yourself, you will benefit from cleaning out your heart center and falling madly in love with your life, or at least, falling in love with something about your life. “Happiness is about cleaning out your heart and nurturing the graces that matter: hope, love, and forgiveness. Let the past go. And don’t be shy about telling others you love them or that you are sorry for something. You may not have a second chance.” Unknown. You may experience greater abundance in your life as you bring balance into this chakra. This balance allows your creativity to flow, providing a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. This holds the vision for positive possibility and gives you and others the space to rise to your highest possible behavior choices. This brings more balance, peace, equanimity, and harmony into your life. As you expand into open-hearted giving and receiving of love, you behave in ways that reflect these feelings, which allows you to be more vulnerable, alive, and present. Be vigilant when stressed and challenged; to be less reactive to feeling jealous or vindictive and disconnected from the heart. Pay extra attention to your inner dialogue, and be extra sensitive to internal dialogue that may speak loudly or softly and seduce you into the idea that you are unlovable. This internal conversation originated in a traumatic experience early in your history, where you perceive yourself as being unloved and somehow un-loveable. This may have lead to feeling emotionally overwhelmed and afraid, expanding into the illusion that you actually are un-loveable. At those times, you are being presented with an opportunity for transformation, and it is important to take advantage of that opportunity by being present and awake to your emotions and your consciousness so that you can exercise your power of choice and practice your tools. Consistently choose to navigate your thinking and your emotions back to their true harmonized happy state. You are invited to remove all wounds related to your sense of grief, heartbreak, and sadness, enabling you to be fully open-hearted and unconditionally loving so that you can realize your full potential. This supports you in cultivating a strong sense of compassion and kindness and unconditional love, allowing you to release all protections and defenses around the heart, which actually isolate and separate you. Rebalancing this chakra supports your openhearted compassion in relationship with yourself and others. This path is also physically related to all heart issues, asthma, allergies, and lung and breast cancer. Working with the tools and practices for rebalancing the fourth chakra will support you in transforming these vulnerabilities into your strengths. 5 Ari The Artist The Artist walks the pale blue path of freedom In his best, balanced state, the Artist is expressive, creative, authentic, surrendered, and free. He has overcome control issues and ability to communicate all his wants and needs and boundaries effectively. The Artist speaks effortlessly and efficiently in a way that attracts and magnetizes everything that he wants and needs. His hormones are balanced and harmonized, and he takes full responsibility for the life he consciously creates. Surrender is the path to harmony for you. Mastering the art of letting go and finding your voice are the keys to your liberation. Freely speaking your truth inside an energy of compassion allows you come back to your center and reclaim lost inspiration. When stressed, you may run into control issues, and power struggles both with your higher and lower self and with those you are in close relationship with. You are vulnerable to repressing your emotional truth to maintain the peace and continue being liked or approved of. This can lead to a loss of authenticity and a challenge with knowing who you truly are and what is actually true for you. It is part of your journey to shed the many roles you have adopted to survive and know the difference between what is you and what is not you, what is the true self and what is false self and not you, not your natural state. This may start out as something obvious and lead to more subtleties as you journey along your path. Practicing the wisdom contained within the serenity prayer is essential for you to find balance and harmony. Your gift of purity and truth reside in the act of practicing the art of surrender. Releasing and letting go of your self-protective mechanism of self-suppression and skilled adaptation around being who others need you to be, are essential for you to find your true self. Surrender here is not at all about giving in or giving up on the self, rather it is about melting into the highest. These negative thoughts and feelings can lead you to some challenging behaviors like being inauthentic and repressed and unable to express your emotional truth, which can cause you to carry resentment about sacrificing your needs because they were not expressed and they remain unknown. This can look like you becoming a chameleon and being the person others want you to be, which can cause you to lose who you really are. Your creative expression could become compromised as you unconsciously energetically push back on your own expression. You benefit from observing when your artist becomes repressed and out of balance. At these times, you can take a step back into your witness and really be observant of your own reactive patterns when you are hurt or stressed or challenged. You may find yourself constructing walls of self-protection that can feel insurmountable, but they are not. It serves you to illuminate your wounds fully and know with certainty what they are built of. Identifying your fears and inner dialogue about expression, creativity, and power struggles allow you to transmute the repressed emotional energy into powerful, potent, creative energy. Learning to make important choices when you need to make them and having the courage to be spontaneous are essential lessons on your life path. Be careful not to let others make important choices for you that you have to live with, learning to speak up for yourself is an important lesson on your path. Remember that you are an adult and overcome the seductions of the inner child that may attempt to silence you, as if they are successful, they will never lead to happiness. Happiness requires that adults act like adults, and an expansion into being entirely responsible for yourself is necessary on this life path. Ego struggles transmute through the fifth chakra and knowing how to navigate this territory successfully is essential for you. Speaking your truth in a balanced, powerful and efficient way is important, and practice makes perfect. As you balance your thoughts and emotions, you support the habit of happiness that creates new positive behaviors of expression, communication, and truth. You may experience greater creative expression in your life as you bring balance into this chakra. This allows your creativity to flow providing a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, bringing more balance and harmony into your life. The Artist learns to support his emotional vulnerability of force, control, and over assertion or repression on the physical level by strengthening his thyroid. Pushing more chi through his system allows him to digests his excessive tendency to force or push too forcefully by meeting it with awareness, breath, and compassion. Or if there is a repressive pattern the opposite imbalanced tendency of suppression of truth or expression is supported by meeting it with awareness, breath, and compassion. Using positive memory or imagination that connect to times when feelings of flow; surrendering and being authentic, where strong and available, rebalances this chakra. Working with positive affirmations to nourish the inner-dialogue of the lower mind with positive food, leads to the positive possibility, transmuting feelings of being trapped and repressed, into a harmonized happiness state of authenticity, surrender, freedom, and fluidity. This practice liberates the Artist into understanding the truth that he is completely free to be his authentic self so that he can adequately express the truth of who he is and create his reality accordingly. Applying the three steps to master his mind supports the Artist’s sense of well-being and connection. He must recognize that his mental fitness is backed up by his choice to practice and nourish his mind with positive, optimistic thinking, eradicating his illusions and defaulting to negative inner dialogue. Applying the three steps to master his emotions provides the tools and practices that he needs to liberate from his old limited conditioning and his habitual patterns so that he can be connected to his essence, his natural state of fully expressing his authentic self, living in open-hearted connection to his natural state and his happiness. Be vigilant when stressed and challenged, of being more reactive when feeling repressed and unable to be free to be yourself. Pay extra attention to your inner dialogue that may speak loudly or softly and seduce you into the idea that you are not allowed to be yourself. This inner conversation may have originated in a traumatic experience early in your history where you perceive yourself as being trapped, which somehow disallowed you to be yourself and perhaps lead you to feel emotionally overwhelmed and afraid, expanding into the illusion that you actually are unable to be who you are. At those times, you are being presented with an opportunity for transformation, and it is important to take advantage of that opportunity by being present and awake to your emotions and your consciousness so that you can exercise your power of choice and practice your tools. Consistently choose to navigate your thinking and your emotions back to their true harmonized happy state. You are invited to remove all wounds related to your sense of repression, feeling suffocated and trapped, enabling you to be fully expressive so that you can realize your full potential. This supports you in cultivating a strong sense of expression and authenticity, allowing you to release all protections and defenses around the throat and the neck area, transforming fear-based energy into love-based energy. The transmutation of fear into love happening in the fifth chakra makes this area vulnerable to overactivity that can weaken your physical system to the point of illness. This area is the bridge to the higher chakras and the higher consciousness. Expressing your compassionate, authentic truth is one of the benefits of this path liberating you into a new relationship with the truth. Balancing control issues and mastering the art of surrender are achieved. This path is physically related to the throat, thyroid, and mouth cancer. Working with the tools and practices for rebalancing the fifth chakra will support you in transforming these vulnerabilities into your strengths. 6 Gareth The Guru The Guru walks the deep blue path of clarity When balanced, the Guru is insightful, intuitive, visionary, clear, wise, and certain. You have the gift of intuition, sight, and knowingness. You have a strong mind and are intelligent, able to strike a balance brilliantly between intellectual and intuitive knowledge. You can be ambitious and may desire prestige; you can demonstrate gentle strength and consistency. You can have great mental strength and clarity, vision, and sight. You are easily capable of great positivity and optimism and know how to work with your thoughts to support your desires and your manifestations. You are easily inspired and very capable of originality. You desire intensity and to have a full experience of life. When balanced, you are easily able to see mental images both from your past and your future, which gifts you with a strong clairvoyant ability. You are capable of generating great ideas and accessing great intuitive knowledge, marrying these two aspects most positively. When out of balance doubt, confusion and indecision are the traps you need to liberate from to claim your ability to see clearly and take ownership of your intuitive capacity. Stress can cause you to sit on fences and refuse to have any strong or clear opinion about anything along with a strong inner dialogue that can convince you that you don’t really know anything for sure. Second-guessing yourself and taking two sides on a topic can cause you and those around you much frustration and disconnect you from who you really are and the wisdom that you innately have. Being confused and residing in the purgatory of an inner dialogue of “I don’t know” is your greatest challenge and your greatest opportunity. Stress causes you to have difficulty with finding clarity and making choices, which can easily lead to stagnation or slow-moving changes in your life. Your opportunity arises from nourishing your thoughts with positive certain language and affirmations, which support you in being decisive and clear even if you have to fake it till you make it until you arrive at a place of certainty. These thoughts and feelings can lead you into challenging behaviors like being crippled by doubt and confusion and a lack of certainty about everything. When out of balance you can easily stagnate and become paralyzed by your life choices. You have a great intuitive and telepathic capacity, but when out of balance, it is hard for you to see the truth or know what is right. When out of balance, you may be tempted to play mind games with others or yourself. When you live your truth and are clear, this expands your integrity and your happiness. If you live in denial about things or if you harbor secrets, creating a happy life will not be easy. Happiness thrives on open, clean air, and clear open communication. You dilute your happiness opportunities if you are always wondering if a secret has slipped out the back door. Keep your mind in the higher altitudes, try always to choose the high road, and resist the temptation to indulge in gossip and rumor spreading. Don’t dwell in fear, and if fears are controlling you, then do something about that. Everyone experiences fear. Don’t let fears control your mind or your life. They can seep into your mind, and then your cells are saturated with fear, illusions, and misperceptions. Imagine for a minute that you have no fear of being fully yourself and all of who you are. How does that feel? Keep your mind focused on that feeling and you will create that reality. It serves you to illuminate your wounds fully and know with certainty what they are constructed of. Identify your fears and inner dialogue in relationship to your own inner knowing and your intuitive capacity. Make meaningful choices when you need to make them. Have the courage to be certain about what you know and what you want and go for it. Being vigilant, when stressed and challenged of being more doubtful and feeling confused and unclear. Pay extra attention to your inner dialogue that may speak loudly or softly and seduce you into the idea that you don’t know anything. This inner conversation originated in a traumatic experience early in your history where you felt overwhelmed and confused, perhaps even stupid for not understanding. Perhaps being afraid inside this experience expanded into the illusion that you actually are unable to be who you are. At those times, you are being presented with an opportunity for awakening, and it is important to take advantage of that opportunity by being present and aware of your emotions and your consciousness so that you can exercise your power of choice and practice your tools. You benefit from choosing consistently to navigate your thinking and your emotions back to their true harmonized happy state. You are invited to remove all wounds related to your sense of confusion, doubt, and indecision, enabling you to be fully clear so that you can realize your full potential. This achievement supports you in cultivating a strong sense of certainty and knowingness which allows you to release all protections and defenses around the third eye and forehead area. This releasing transforms fear-based energy into love-based energy. The transmutation of fear-based consciousness into love-based consciousness here supports you arriving at the truth that you already know everything there is to know to have a happy experience of life. Your gifts open up as you trust your intuitive information and balance that with your intellectual knowledge. In rebalancing all injuries and wounds associated with intuition and divine guidance, you arrive into your intuitive birthright, liberating you from overactive thinking and negative mental patterns. This will support you in reestablishing right relationship and balance with clear and direct insight and intelligence. Your happiness is established through your cultivation of mental fitness, positive thinking, and optimism. This path is physically related to stroke, brain tumors blindness, deafness, and neurological disturbance. Using the tools and practices suggested for sixth chakra rebalancing transforms these vulnerabilities into strengths. You have an opportunity to reclaim lost inspiration caused by the experience of confusion and doubt by expanding into certainty and faith. The choice to be certain and the extension of loving-kindness towards yourself and the resulting reclamation of lost energy support this expansion. 7 Marlin The Master The Master walks the violet path of enlightenment When balanced and in your strength, you are a highly spiritual person and find it easy to stay connected to the truth of who you are as a spiritual being. You have a strong faith and understand how it feels to trust yourself, those that you love and the universe. At times of clarity and health, you can feel your connection to all things. Your greatest gift is faith, and through the practice of choosing trust, you expand into your highest self. When you are expansive and connected to the highest expression of who you are, you can choose to trust even in the face of others demonstrating their lower self and acting out in untrustworthy ways. Your ability to see the highest possibility in others holds the space for them to rise to be the best that they can be. When happy and balanced, you are connected to faith, joy, trust, and seem to be connected to everything around you. The Master learned to fortify his emotional vulnerability of not trusting and isolation by strengthening his crown chakra. Pushing more chi through his system allows him to digest his feelings of isolation and distrust by meeting them with awareness breath and compassion. Using positive memory or imagination connecting to times when feelings of trust, a sense of deep connection, and an awareness of his light and divinity are strong. Working with positive affirmations nourishes the inner-dialogue of the lower mind with positive food, leading to positive possibility and the transmuting of his isolation and distrust into his harmonized happiness state of trust and connection. This liberates him into understanding the truth that he is completely free to fully awaken his light and be connected with his own divine nature and the divinity of others and the universe. He realizes that he is free to be trusting and connected even when those around are not free or able to trust. He recognizes that his mental fitness is supported by his choice to practice and nourish his mind with positive, optimistic thinking, eradicating his illusions and default negative inner-dialogue. This along, with applying the three steps to master his emotions, provide the tools and practices that he needs to liberate from his old limited conditioning and his habitual patterns. So that he can be connected to his essence, his natural state of being fully connected, and engaged with everything around him, living in open-hearted connection to his own happiness. This also liberates any trapped inspirational energy so that he can connect to his motivation to create an experience and reality in his life that is rooted in faith and expanded by choosing to trust himself, the ones that he loves and the universe. The negative thoughts and feelings can lead you into challenging behaviors like being cynical, skeptical, suspicious or a naysayer. Happiness requires that you have an inner theology or spirituality that can withstand the storms of life. It does not matter what tradition it comes from, what is important is that your inner spiritual truth, in fact, is a genuine spiritual truth that truly nurtures you. You benefit from consistently attending to your spiritual life, not just visit it when things go wrong. The Divine light in you can be ignited by using the tools provided here and by the audio and video practices. The Sacred is in every breath of life, yours included, and it’s simply a question of finding it and practicing it. Otherwise, when out of balance, you are vulnerable to feeling disconnected, isolated, alone even feeling outcast. I call the crown chakra “the key to happiness,” because when it opens, one’s experiences of expansion and joy is fully activated. When the crown chakra is open, the feeling that life is good naturally occurs, and depression and other painful emotions are reduced. There exists a sense of trust that experiences have value and purpose – even painful ones and that one’s life is a part of a larger evolutionary plan. Inspiration, trust, devotion, and spontaneity all open the crown chakra creating a feeling of spiritual connection. Be vigilant when stressed and challenged of being more reactive and feeling distrustful and suspicious and disconnected from both yourself and others. Pay extra attention to the inner dialogue that may speak loudly or softly and seduce you into the idea that you are untrustworthy or that it is not safe for you to trust others, compromising your faith and pushing you into doubt and skepticism. This internal conversation originated in a traumatic experience early in your history where you perceive yourself as being disconnected and perhaps lead to feeling emotionally overwhelmed and afraid inside this experience, expanding into the illusion that you actually are isolated and not connected, not where you belong. At those times you are being presented with an opportunity for transformation, and it is important to take advantage of that opportunity by being present and awake to your emotions and your consciousness so that you can exercise your power of choice and practice your tools. Consistently choose to navigate your thinking and your emotions back to their true harmonized happy state. You are invited to remove all wounds related to your sense of isolation, disconnection and not belonging, enabling you to be fully open-hearted and surrendered into trusting and connecting so that you can realize your full potential. This clearing supports you in cultivating a strong sense of belonging, connection, and trust, allowing you to release all protections and defenses around the ideas of not trusting, being suspicious and skeptical, which is what isolates and separates us. Rebalancing the wounds of the seventh chakra supports your deeply surrendered trust in relationships both with yourself and with others. You can reclaim your lost motivation to create and your inspiration returns as you rebalance all injuries and wounds associated with your relationship with spirituality and your relationship with the highest power of the universe. Here you are invited to clear and rebalance all wounds and misperceptions related to how you perceive God, spirituality, and trust, infusing you with faith and courage and inspiration. This path is physically related to depression, exhaustion, energy, and skin disorders. Working with the tools and practices for rebalancing the seventh chakra will support you in transforming these vulnerabilities into your strengths.